Monday, January 30, 2017

Daylon's Shot analysis

Angle 1: Straight on- Camera under basket.  
  The ball is held in front of the face, right hand is place behind the ball.
Finger and knee aren’t in line. Elbow finishes at nose level making a straighter shot at the basket. Off- hand releases ball before shot, but too early causing a one handed shot.

Angle 2: Rear View- Camera is directly behind shooter
 Shooting hand placed behind the ball pointer and  middle finger placed slightly to the left of center. Off hand found at 7:30- 8:00, ball is slightly pushed with off- hand. Release hand after shot pushes to the left side of the body, causing the shot to spin vertically shortening shot radius.

Angle 3: Side View- Camera on shooting hand side.

The wrist is at a 130 degree angle during the shot, footwork during the shots are inconsistent body doesn’t not look completely balanced. The ball is left in front of the body but is held to lower, when shot is released with right arm it follows through at a 120 degree angle. When the ball is released it is released from the chest area.

Over all I have to work on my form to achieve a better shot. Working on my release point with how I hold the ball before shooting is something that has to be changed first along with I also need to work on being balanced while shooting. I use my arms to shoot so I need to learn to use more legs.