Friday, December 15, 2017

Kelley Stevenson Shot Analysis 2017

ANGLE 1                            Straight on Camera under the basket

In the first angle my finger, elbow, knee and toe are in the same plane.
My fingers don't really point towards my toes. My elbow finishes above my eyes. my
off hand comes off the ball just as I release the ball.

ANGLE 2                           Rear View Camera behind Shooter

My hand is more under the ball than behind the ball but the shooting fingers are in the middle.
My hand is at the 9 o’clock. The ball is released with one hand. My off hand is vertical at release.

ANGLE 3                         Side View Camera on Shooting Hand Side

My wrist is cocked before release. My footwork is consistent. The ball is kept in front of my body.
When the ball is released my elbow shooting elbow is above my eye while the other one is near my eye.

In conclusion my shot was alright but there were something I could improve on. fingers don't really point towards my toes so I would like to improve on that. 2. my feet aren't really squared up towards the basket so I would also like to improve on that. 3. I would like to improve on my vert because its not really that good.

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