Friday, January 26, 2018


Angle - The ball is brought straight up in this shot. My arm isn’t really following my shot, I like my focus in my shot, the focus would help in real game situations. If you look closely, you can see my off hand just before the release. Having your off hand on while releasing will cause the ball to shift in another direction. Also my fingers are pointing straight down, except for my pinky finger. I find it helps me when it’s out.

Angle #2 - In my second shot, I noticed that my off hand did not go away from the ball which means that I’m not shooting properly. And my shooting arm does not go up straight it goes a little tilted, I think this is because I use more of my arms than legs so I rely more on the strength of my arms than my wrist.

ANGLE #3 - As I grab the ball to rise for my shot, My feet consistently land with my right foot in front of the other. The ball is always kept in front of my body and when I release the ball, my right elbow seems to be pushing the ball, rather than my legs. I need to improve my pre-shot steps, instead of just grabbing the ball, I should be set with my legs bent and my wrists cocked to get the most efficient release possible. Again, I need to finish my elbow above my eyes for better overall ark on my shot and follow through with my shot, my shot is pretty broken.   

Things that need to be improved:
- Following through with my shot
- using more of my legs instead of my arms
- making sure my arm isn’t tilted during the shot
- legs more bent shot looking more stable.

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