Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Christian's Shot Analysis

Angle 1 (Straight on-under basket) 

  • In my first shot, I could notice that my shooting hand goes sideways towards my guide hand whilst shooting the ball and that it goes to the right when following through. I believe that it affects my shot negatively because it could make the ball go sideways either left or right upon my release. Another thing I noticed was that my guide hand would come off upon my release, which would support my shooting hand but come off just in time so that it doesn't negatively affect my shot. 

Angle 2 (From the back)

  • In this shot, I noticed that my guide hand slightly got in the way of my shooting motion and it caused the ball to go slightly off of my hand, making the shot go sideways. My hand finished high but it went towards my guide hand in the end. My elbow on my shooting hand was kind of sticking out as well. I need to work on being able to bring up the ball straight more consistently to avoid shooting the ball sideways.

Angle 3 (From the side)

  • In my final shot angle, I bent my knees and made sure my arm and toe were in line with the basket. My guide hand wasn't in the way of my shot this time and  I didn't finish as high with my shooting hand. I kept the ball near my shoulder but left enough space to be able to have a shooting window so that I can see the basket.  

Things I need to work on

  • Being more consistent on bringing the ball up straight
  • Being more consistent on finishing high and making sure my guide hand doesn't in the way of my shot
  • Practice form shooting more often to develop muscle memory to provide a more comfortable and consistent feeling with my shot
  • Learn how to catch and shoot the ball in a fast and fluid motion

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