Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Mr Bishops shot analysis

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Angle 1: Straight on- Camera under basket.

On the shot the ball is brought up on my shooting side with one hand. My two shooting fingers kind of went off to the right after the release of the ball, messing up the follow through and causing the ball to not go straight. I released the ball at the right time but i need to work on finishing higher and bringing it up more on the side parallel with my shooting shoulder and knee instead of bringing it to my face.

Angle 2: Rear View- Camera is directly behind shooter.  

The shooting hand is directly behind the ball in this angle and release just at the right time. i have my off hand in the right spot on the ball, on the side so it doesn't interfere with the ball but kind of guides it. I release the ball with just the shooting hand but I need to work on finishing higher and with my follow through towards the rim.

Angle 3: Side View- Camera on shooting hand side.

In this final angle my wrist is cocked but not early enough causing me to have to use more push with my arm instead of my legs. my footwork is consistent but i need to work on not turning my body after the shot. When i finish my shot it is in the perfect spot, my elbow finishes about chin level but i need to work on getting it higher.


In conclusion I have a good form but i need to work on my follow through and were i finish vertically and where i finish with my wrist after the release. I also have to better my power from my legs instead of my arms and i have to better my consistency and focus when shooting.

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